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Saxon Summit


Loara High School is committed to developing college and career ready students in preparation for the complexity of obstacles they are sure to face as an independent adult.  By the completion of their four years at Loara, students will be critical thinkers/problem solvers, effective communicators (oral and written), creators/innovators, collaborators,  and ones with strong Character and Compassion. Collectively these are known as the 5 C's


At each grade level, Loara students will build and maintain an electronic portfolio by selecting examples of their classwork and then writing a reflection explaining how the assignment/task allowed them to acquire skills or demonstrate proficiency in one or more of the SLOs.  Students will also compose written reflections on their growth over time as they move from freshmen to seniors and beyond.  At Loara, we are committed to engaging students in meaningful experiences that support their academic and personal goals.  The goal of the Saxon Summit is to showcase the confidence students have in their knowledge, skills, and dispositions acquired in order to become college, career and civically-engaged individuals.


Upon completion of their senior year, students will present their growth, college/career plans, and civic involvement to a panel of teachers, community partners, and parents as part of an exit interview.


Each student will be asked to show evidence to answer the following question:

How have you grown and excelled during your time at Loara both personally and academically? What experiences have you had that showcase that growth?



Loara Mission Statement

Loara High School is an inclusive environment where students are supported and empowered life-long learners who become active citizens in their communities and develop individualized goals while pursuing a future of their choice.


(Note: The links below access PDFs reside on IES server)

Parent Letter




Saxon Summit Resources

Saxon Summit Description

Exit Interview Options

Exit Interview Professional Dress Video


Student Resources

Now located on Saxon Summit eKadence Page!

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